3 Steps to our 2-Step Win for All Americans!


Hello Twelve Vision Party® Visionaries and Neothink® Ambassadors

What a great year it has been for so many of you, as you brought your value creation to the Reed/Cary 2012 Presidential Campaign. We have three (3) requests of you, besides voting with us for the Prime Law to protect you. It is time to Unite the Non-Ruling Class to End the Rule-of-Man to Launch the Wealth of Mankind! We will appreciate your placing focus, energy and effort (fee) into our campaign over the next week.

We need you to insta-act, and, put a few dates into your calendar. Your doing so can help us with our 2-Step Approach to bring the 3000-Year-Old Secret. Also, please see the special note, below, from Kenneth Townsend. Are you ready? Great!!!

1) Join us each and every night through Election Day for a very short focused call (10 minutes) hosted by Kenneth Townsend and others. Join the call, at 8:30 PM EST, 7:30 C, 6:30 MST, 5:30 PAC – 614-384-5247 ID 832628#, or quietly focus wherever you are. We invite you to host the call by sharing your visualization for the Golden Twelve Visions World and “Why” you want Jill Reed/Tom Cary to win in 2012. Simply email us at reedin2012@gmail.com or call us at (307)220-1453 to host share your vision.

2) While listening to the above call or anytime you feel inclined, please visit:

www.tvp2012.org – When you arrive at the site, please look to the upper right for: “Meet Jill and comment” – just below The Prime Law… – – click on it, scroll down to the comment box at the end of the page with Jill’s bio and please leave a comment to increase the campaign’s search engine rankings. On the site you can enjoy Jill’s speech on the 1st page and also give to the campaign if you have the ability to do so. You may insta-act on the comments right now. Please go to www.tvp2012.org now. Share www.reedcary2012.org with friends and family click on the facebook icon to share it on your page.

3) Please join Jill and Tom, on Saturday November 3rd at Lincoln Park in D. C., along with others, for Jill’s “Project Stop Quiet” to end the Non-Ruling Class Family’s being quiet about this victimization that Value Creators and Value Producers suffer. The Project will be part of the “Million Puppet March” that ensued following Mitt Romney’s desire to end PBS. We are going in support of the value of PBS, and to show it could be an income producing venture, based upon the value it brings. Jill is creating her Puppet Rodney for you to meet! Twelve Visions Party® founder, Mark Hamilton, got a sneak peak of Rodney a few years ago, when Jill created a YouTube® of Rodney. Don’t miss this fun event! Take the train, carpool, fly-in, if need be to show how the Non-Ruling Class family can unite for wealth, health, peace. We will meet at 9 a.m. at Motel 6 (we will turn the lights on in D. C.) 1345 4th Street NE – I-95 Exit #22-B, Washington DC 20002.

See You Soon and Cheers to a Life of Wealth, Health, Peace!


P. S. – Here is a 5 minute video that you don’t want to miss and should share with others like Mark’s 3000-Year-Old Secret: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZidjsYGKtI

Next a word from my buddy Kenneth:


Hello Neothink warriors and everyone who wants to live a prosperous life:

I am writing to ask for your support at 5:30 Pacific Time, and 8:30 Eastern time every day until after the election I would like everyone to send their energy to Jill Reed and Tom Cary. Thoughts are things and we get what we think about most of the time. Visualize Jill Reed in the White House as president of the United States and Tom Cary in the White House as vice president of the United States. Do this every day a half hour before the evening Neothink mentor calls. The more people we have thinking this thought and sending their energy to Jill and Tom the sooner we will bring The Twelve Visions World here for each of us to enjoy. Think about Wealth, Health, and Peace for everyone. Visualize it, see it in your mind, let’s make this happen. Jill Reed and Tom Cary as President and Vice President of the United States, limitless job opportunities, greater quality of life for all Americans living happy prosperous lives.

Thank you!

With love,

Kenneth Townsend


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